Saturday, April 7, 2012

7 good reasons to Blog

Writing these posts is a lot of fun, but I have discovered it is more than that. Last week as I was writing "A gardeners farewell" I found myself feeling a little 'unsettled'. Writing it reminded me that I had moved away from a really great place, a good life and friends. In another 6 months I will be leaving another great place (NY and my family here) Writing about this was therapeutic. From an old post in 2010, Billy Mac said this:"Blogs are meant for expression,its a piece of one's own self, and often times a window to one's soul. Its a journal, its a story. Its a way to show off your stuff." (Sorry Billy, I couldn't find a current link) I can add to that. Reading articles to share with others keeps me updated and informed. Joining in a conversation on someones blog gives me a chance to connect with others in a way I wouldn't do otherwise. In the 'real' world conversations with family and friends rarely involves in-depth discussions. Here are the 7 reasons I blog: 1.Fun 2.Therapeutic 3.Outlet to express myself 4.A journal 5.Show off my 'stuff' 5.Keeps me informed. 6.Make friends

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