Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Are you afraid of change

I want my posts to be about something I have some knowledge of, something credible to share and hopefully, can help someone along the way. Believe me when I say I really know something about 'Change'. This subject is high on my mind these days because I am about to make another big change in my life. Here is a 'quick list' of major changes in my life. NO CHANGE (nice and comfortable) 31 yrs of marriage,4 kids, owned a business, same town, same friends. 1. Ended marriage (talk about Change! Scary and sad) 2. Started college(at 48 yrs of age!Talk about scary) 3. Sold house (sad, but necessary) 4. Sold business (relief) 5. Graduated from college.( WOW!) 6. Moved to new unfamiliar city to start a new career: teaching.(scary) 7. 15 yrs later: Moved to NYC(Exciting) This is the important part, the part I want to share with you, the part that can help you if you are afraid of change. Decide on the 1st step! It would be overwhelming, if not impossible, to plan all of the steps at the beginning. (personal note:I wanted a happier life, I knew I needed to take the first step toward that goal) The first step is ALWAYS the scariest, and the hardest. KNOW that the other steps toward your goal will happen in due time. TRUST yourself and LIVE your life. (personal note: I couldn't have done it without Prayer and Faith) My next post is going to be about this next big change in my life. P.S. If you want to talk about this and prefer not to comment, feel free to email me (details in my profile)

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