Monday, November 5, 2012

An Artist's dilemma: Making time for : 'Making Art'

I have been in the process of relocating for the last 2 months.  Saying "goodbye" to my family in Brooklyn was heart wrenching but joining my family in Minneapolis was  heart warming.

This is the first time in my life that I have been completely retired, able to 'create' on a full time basis. I find myself in a dilemma: I want people to see and purchase my work. To me and thousands of other artists, that means using Social Media, which is what I am doing right now. I Love Blogging and Face book and Pinterest and all of it, but it really takes time.

I have put 'creating' on the same level of importance as 'social networking' and I am feeling frustrated about that.

 Yesterday  I spent 3 hrs admiring the incredible work of 200 artists at 'ART- A -WHIRL' in  the NE Minneapolis Arts District. Those 3 hours reminded me that 'creating' must take priority over marketing.

Lets see how I do.

Here are  a couple of shots of my studio in my home. Pretty typical; desk overflowing with paperwork and notes and my drawing table waiting for the 3rd painting in my new series to get done.

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