Saturday, July 25, 2009

Don't underestimate the power of the 'stroll'

If anyone were to describe me, a statement like this would probably be part of the description:"She walks very fast with her back straight." Let me just stay "Things, they are a changin."

The first few days here, my friend (who drove the many miles from Iowa to NY with me) commented on how slow the people walk. I hadn't noticed, but since then I have become one of them. For me, if I walk fast I just might not get there(because I will die, or at least feel like I am dying) I have discovered the stroll as a means of survival.
In New York everyone walks, and not just a small distance. Three days a week I push a stroller with either my little 2 1/2 yr old Lucy in it with Sammie on a leash or visa versa. We walk 11 blocks to and from the day camp twice a day. On the other days we walk 10 blocks to the park.

When I get groceries I take a cart on wheels and walk 4 blocks to market and return with a cart FULL of "stuff". I am lucky, my flat is on the ground floor, most residents have a flight or 2 of stairs to climb with groceries in hand.

New Yorkers walk and walk and walk. IF you want to take the train (subway) you need to walk to the station. Then you need to walk down the stairs. When you get to your drop off site you need to walk up the stairs and in some cases, a lot of stairs. Then you have to walk to your destination.

Does this sound like a bad thing? It isn't. You just have to remember to Stroll.


We Blog Artists said...

I sometimes think having a car makes you very UNhealthy...I lived in Spain for 7 years and everyone walks everywhere...and there are not many over weight people out there!
great post!

Unknown said...

Thanks Char. What is your blog address? I would like to read yours.